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List of local hotels


Map of Local Hotels


1.            Holiday Inn Express Lincoln

                Within 5 minutes walking distance from Joseph Banks Laboratories

                Prices start at around £70 per night and includes breakfast


2.            Hilton Hotels

                Within 10-15 minutes walking distance from Joseph Banks Laboratories

                Prices start at around £89.00 per night and does not include breakfast


3.            Holiday Inn Lincoln

                Within 10-15 minutes walking distance from Joseph Banks Laboratories

                Prices start at around £75.00 per night and does not include breakfast


4.            Premier Inn Lincoln

                Within 20-30 minutes walking distance from Joseph Banks Laboratories

                Prices start at around £50.00 per night and does not include breakfast


The following are within the Cathedral quarter, so convenient if you do decide to book dinner at the Cathedral Centre, but obviously further to walk to Joseph Banks Laboratories; a car/taxi may be needed.


5.            White Hart Hotel

                Within 30-40 minutes walking distance from Joseph Banks Laboratories

                Prices start at around £80.00 per night and does not include breakfast


6.            The Lincoln Hotel

                Within 30-40 minutes walking distance from Joseph Banks Laboratories

                Prices start at around £110.00 per night and does not include breakfast


7.            The Tower Hotel

                Within 30-40 minutes walking distance from Joseph Banks Laboratories

                Prices start at around £70.00 per night and includes breakfast

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