Cyril Keattch Award & Mackenzie-Redfern Bursary Competition
TAC 2025 Entry
The TMG Cyril Keattch Award Competition is held biennially in memory of the Group’s first Secretary, who held the post from 1965 until his untimely death in 1999.
The Award is made to an outstanding early career scientist working in the field of thermal analysis or calorimetry to enable them to present a paper based on their work at an approved International Conference (ESTAC 2026). It consists of an Award Certificate and a grant of up to £1000 towards the Conference Registration fee, travel and living expenses at the Conference.
Up to three applicants for this competition will be short listed and invited to present at TAC 2025 in a dedicated session for early career researchers. During TAC 2025 applicants will be interviewed by a member of the committee. The winner, announced at the conference dinner, and will receive the Cyril Keattch Award, while runners up will receive the Mackenzie-Redfern bursary of £100. All short-listed applicants will have the opportunity to submit their work to a special conference edition of Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (JTAC).
Successful applicants will be informed ahead of TAC 2025 that they have been shortlisted for the competition. The committee reserves the right not to run the competition should there be insufficient candidates who do not meet the criteria of the award.

Dr Cyril J Keattch
1st TMG Secretary
Served from 1965 to 1999

Dr Robert C Mackezie
TMG Founder Member
& 1st TMG Chairman

Dr John P Redfern
TMG Founder Member
& 2nd TMG Chairman
Entry Requirements
Candidates must be resident in the UK. Those wishing to apply should have normally worked for up to ten years at post-graduate level primarily in any field where thermal analysis or calorimetry are a major component. Any periods of leave, (such as, but not limited to, maternity leave) should be documented.
Candidates should email the following three documents to tmgrsc@gmail.com by 31st Jan 2025.
A nomination letter from a senior colleague and/or supervisor.
A full curriculum vitae.
A one page abstract (using this form) of the paper that they intend to present at the Conference associated with the Award.