History of the TMG
The 1960s were an exciting time for thermal analysis. The field was growing rapidly and the range of commercially available equipment was expanding including the introduction of both power-compensated and heat flux differential scanning calorimeters. In addition, a significant number of thermal analysts were engaged in building their own equipment, particularly in the field of simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis.
At that time there was no forum in the UK where thermal analysts could meet and in 1964 John Redfern and Cyril Keattch decided to investigate the possibility of forming a group by holding a thermal analysis symposium at the Battersea College of Technology (now the University of Surrey). The response exceeded the organisers’ expectations and some 100 delegates attended the meeting. The discussions which took place during the technical sessions, and at the buffet supper afterwards, enthusiastically endorsed the idea of formally establishing a thermal analysis group.
This aim was realised on the 24th February 1965 when the UK Thermal Analysis Group was formed as part of the Society for Analytical Chemistry. The inaugural meeting took place on the evening of May 28th 1965 at the Chemical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly where the new Committee was confirmed. The Group’s first Chairman was Robert Mackenzie with John Redfern as Vice-Chairman, Cyril Keattch as Secretary and Alan Hodgson as Treasurer. The 1st AGM was held in December 1965 and the Group was well and truly launched with its first two day meeting in April 1966. This consisted of a visit to the laboratories of Pilkington Bros. Ltd on the first day and a meeting at the Royal College of Advanced Technology, Salford (now the University of Salford) on the second day on the “Characterisation of Residues after Thermal Treatment
In 1972 the name of the Group was changed to the Thermal Methods Group (TMG) to reflect the wide range of techniques falling within its scope. Following the merger of the Society of Analytical Chemistry and the Chemical Society in 1975, the Group became part of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society. In 1980, following the merger of the Chemical Society, the Royal Institute of Chemistry and the Faraday Society, the Group became part of the Analytical Division of newly formed Royal Society of Chemistry. The objective of the TMG is to promote awareness of all thermoanalytical, calorimetric and related techniques by a range of activities, including a regular programme of scientific meetings, training workshops and publications.