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The Thermal Methods Group

The Thermal Methods Group (TMG) is a special interest group of the Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry with affiliation to the International Confederation of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC). There is close collaboration with other European thermal analysis groups.

Online - Thermal Analysis of Chocolate
Join our next event with Dr Paul Royall who will be exploring the Thermal Analysis of chocolate.
Date TBC
Meeting link provided before the event.
The Mission of the Thermal Methods Group

To promote awareness of all thermo analytical, calorimetric and related techniques by a wide range of activities, including regular scientific meetings, training workshops and publications. As a regular feature, the group organizes two key meetings per annum. These are typically held in April and November. The April thermal analysis conference (TAC) covers a broad range of topics. The second meeting generally revolves around a particular theme or subject area.
In The News
New Edition of:
Principles of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Edited by Simon Gaisford, Vicky Kett and Peter Haines
February, 2016

TAC2025 - 60th Anniversary Event, University of Surrey, 14-16th April 2025.
We look forward to seeing you all in person at our special 60th Anniversary Event!