Topics & Programme
Tuesday 26th March
09:00-09:30 - Registration and Refreshments (Bar area).
09:30-09:45 - Welcome and Opening Remarks - Milan Antonijevic.
09:45-10:30 - Measuring Performance - Thermal Analysis to Race Track - Maria Brooks, Williams F1.
10:30-11:00 - Refreshments (Bar Area).
Session 1 - General Thermal Analysis (Duncan Price)
11:00-11:30 - Localised chemical characterisation using scanning thermal microscopy - Duncan Price, Edwards Ltd, UK.
11:30-12:00 - In situ synchrotron diffraction investigations and thermal analysis of martensitic transformations in high temperature shape memory alloys - Mohammed Abdul Azeem, University of Leicester, UK.
12:00-12:30 - Plastic recycling and testing - John Duncan, Lacerta Technology Limited, UK.
12:30-13:15 - Lunch
13:15-13:40 - Thermal Methods Group AGM (all welcome)
Session 2 - Flash Presentations (Gage Ashton)
13:40-15:00 - This session will be dedicated to our manufacturers who will be giving short 5-10 minute flash presentations.
15:00-15:30 - Refreshments (Bar Area).
Session 3 - Energetic and Advanced Materials (Ian Priestley)
15:30-16:00 - Thermal methods for the characterisation of caloric materials - Xavier Moya, University of Cambridge, UK.
16:00-16:30 - Liquid crystal elastomers as a material platform for actuation and adhesion applications - Mohand Saed, University of Cambridge, UK.
19:00 Drinks reception and Conference Dinner
Wednesday 27th March
09:00-09:15 - Registration and Refreshments (Bar area).
Session 4 - Pharmaceutical and BioPharma (Milan Antonijevic)
09:20-09:50 - Deconvoluting reaction kinetics from instrument kinetics in DSC measurement - Hongbiao Dong, University of Leicester, UK. (Online)
09:50-10:10 - Unravelling the pharmaceutical solid state using hyphenated calorimetry-diffraction approaches - Gareth Williams, UCL, UK.
10:10-10:40 - Thermal Characterisation of Frozen Formulations and Freeze-Dried Products - Kevin R. Ward, Biopharma Group, UK
10:40-11:10 - Refreshments (Bar Area).
Session 5 - Pharmaceutical and BioPharma (Paul Matejtschuk)
11:10-11:40 - Electrical impedance characterization of thermal processes in the freeze-drying of pharmaceutical products - Geoff Smith, De Montfort University, UK
11:40-12:10 - Machine Learning on Molecules for Property Prediction - Timothy C. Pearce, University of Leicester, UK
Session 6 - Eneregtic Materials (Gareth Parkes)
12:10-12:40 - Thermal decomposition of Nitrocellulose investigated by HFC - Moritz Heil, Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie ICT, Germany. (Online)
12:40-12:45 - Milan Antonijevic, Thermal Methods Group Chair - Closing Remarks
12:50-13:45 - Lunch
13:45 - Close of TAC 2024 meeting