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TAC 2018


The 2018 TAC conference will be held in the School of Pharmacy, Queen's University, Belfast, 26th to 28th March 2018

Day 1 – Mon 26th March 2018 - 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Short course on Modern Techniques on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

The Course will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and applications of the main thermal analysis and calorimetry techniques including DSC, modulated temperature DSC, fast scan DSC, TG,  evolved gas analysis,  thermomechanical and dynamic thermomechanical analysis, sample controlled techniques and micro- and solution calorimetry.


The day will also include several networking / refreshment breaks during which there will be plenty of opportunity for discussion with the course speakers, all of whom have wide experience in the application of thermal techniques to the characterisation of materials.


All course participants will receive a copy of the Royal Society of Chemistry book “Principles of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry” produced by the Thermal Methods Group in 2016.


Course delegates will also be provided with Continuing Professional Development Certificates.

Day 2 & 3 – Tue 27th March 2018 - 9:30 am to 5:00 pm and

                       Wed 28th March 2018 - 9:30 to 2:00 pm

Recent Applications of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry


This popular meeting will feature presentations on applications of thermal analysis to a range of topics including pharmaceutical processing, hot melt extrusion, 3-D printing, co-crystals, and ionic liquids.


There will also be a general session on applications of thermal analysis and an accompanying exhibition by manufacturers of thermal instrumentation.


The conference dinner will be held in the Great Hall of the University Lanyon Building.


The meeting will be preceded by a one day short course introducing applications of thermal analysis delivered by experts in the area. This was extremely popular the last time the course was run in Belfast so early registration is encouraged.

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