Abstract submission invitation and guidance
Authors are invited to submit an abstract for the RSC Thermal Methods Group conference, TAC 2021, to be held online on Monday 29th – Tuesday 30th March 2021.
All abstracts should be no more than 350 words in length and written in English in the template provided in th link below. Figures may be included. Successful abstracts will be published on the Thermal Methods Group website, please consider any copyright implications when including figures which have been published already or will be submitted for publication.
Abstracts are welcomed for the following types of proposals:
Oral presentation - these may be authored by an individual or by a group. These will be 20 minutes in length and delivered live. If presentations are pre-recorded, presenters will be offered the opportunity to partake in a live Q&A session after their talk.
Poster Presentation - Posters may be presented by individuals or groups and will be displayed on the TMG website.
Manufacturers’ flash presentations – 5 minute talks from manufacturers involved in any area relating to thermal analysis, calorimetry and related techniques.
Submissions from PhD students and early career researchers are encouraged.
All abstracts will be peer reviewed, based on originality, significance, quality and clarity.
Important – consents
Please note that by submitting an abstract you are consenting to:
The abstract being published on the TMG website
Your presentation content being broadcast to conference delegates (if submitting for an oral presentation)
Your poster being published on the TMG website (if submitting for a poster presentation)