Poster Guidance
Poster Guidance
The preferred layout for posters is Portrait mode and A1 size.
If your poster is of a different format, please email to check availability to facilities to display at the event.
Most posters are laid out in the following segments:
title (identical to title of abstract)
authors information
materials and methods
results and discussion
conclusions (Keep in mind that the first thing most viewers will do is look for and read your conclusion. Therefore, make sure the conclusions section of your poster is easy to identify and to read)
references (in smaller font size, on the most relevant articles related to the study and/or on the study's background and methods used).
as a final and optional part, in smaller font size type the author may wish to add acknowledgements and/or contact details of the main authors (email, phone number, website...)
Please bear in mind the following:
Posters are first of all visual presentations (and not literature). As such, it is good to keep in mind that graphs, charts, photos or tables are particularly eye-catching. It is often considered that around 50% of a poster should be dedicated to illustrations
Your poster should be easily readable from a distance of 1 to 2 meters. Therefore, your text must be not less than 16 points to enable easy reading.
Avoid fonts that mimic hand writing or which are difficult to read. Arial or Times New Roman are usually a good choice. Use the chosen font throughout your poster: don't mix up different fonts on your poster text.
To facilitate reading, double-line space all text and use justification. Allocate a specific color to the subtitles within the poster. They will be better distinguished from the text.
Important parts of the text may also be highlighted using different colors. Here are the major colors that are easily readable:
Black on white (or a cream colored background)
Red on white (or a cream colored background)
Green on white (or a cream colored background)
Blue on white (or a cream colored background)
All figures should include brief captions and a legend
Ensure that within graphics, the axes are properly labeled, units are mentioned and symbols are explained
For pictures or images use material with sufficiently high resolution in order to ensure good quality print